Brother Andre's Blog

  • Our First Anniversary

    It's been a big month for Brother Andre's! On October 2nd, our Cafe turned one. Can you believe it?! This awesome place has been around for one who...
  • Meet Katie

    Introducing Katie: Father Chris's Assistant and Divine Mercy Parish Media Person.She began her professional journey by being interviewed by Father ...
  • A Great Art Show Two

    If you read my recent blog about the Ketchup City Creative, you would know that there was an Art Show there to benefit The Red Door (a community sh...
  • A Great Art Show

    Art is such an inspiring part of our world. This weekend - September 30th and October 1st - there's a special Art show. The show was organized by o...
  • Introducing Shay

    Meet Shay, a Brother Andre's employee and fan. Shay loves making coffee, iced tea, and working the register. She manages to do all of this while ch...
  • Meet Corey!

    Introducing one of our employees: Corey!  Corey was hired in April of 2022 and absolutely loves it!  Corey feels at home being a barista.  One of h...
  • Meet Julia!

    Julia, where to begin with this incredible human? Julia has been with Brother Andre’s since its storefront opening in October of 2021 (perhaps earl...
  • Introducing: Emma!

    Introducing Emma:  she is studying to be an Occupational Therapist and is currently completing her Doctoral Capstone project here at Brother Andre...
  • Meet Nick!

    Introducing one of our gifted employees, Nick! Nick works at Brother Andre’s one to two days a week. He is a Jack-of-all-trades. Nick does everyth...
  • Meet Danny!

    Introducing….Danny! Danny works at Brother Andre’s three days a week. He is a natural barista. Danny loves to think about and to explore new drinks...
  • Meet Tim aka “Coach”

    I would like to introduce you to one of our employees, Tim. Tim works at Brother Andre’s three days a week. On two of his workdays, he arrives ear...
  • Meet Jonathan!

    Introducing  Jonathan, one of our employees! Jonathan works at Brother Andre’s two days a week and LOVES it. He likes to package the cookies and ma...