A Great Art Show
Art is such an inspiring part of our world. This weekend - September 30th and October 1st - there's a special Art show. The show was organized by our very own Nate Pepmeyer, the chef at Brother Andre's. Nate is also an Artist and some of his own work is in the show. (Nate's blog will be appearing soon.)
This event benefits The Red Door. The Red Door is a non-profit organization that provides food and community to the homeless and less fortunate in downtown Pittsburgh.
The Art show is at a multi-purpose event space, Ketchup City Creative. It is a great organization that features local Artists and exists to 'make Art accessible to the community'. Ketchup City Creative is in Sharpsburg, PA - for more info on this organization, you can find them on Facebook.
As someone who is a huge Art geek, I am super excited about this event. Come out for a great time with friends and, of course, to see some incredible Art. Who knows -maybe you'll even get to meet some of the Artists themselves! Hope to see you there!