Our Mission

Our mission is to share the many talents of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with the world. Our employees and artisans are the “small brushes” that create so many wonderful products for you to enjoy.
Through the inspiration of our patron, Saint André Bessette, Brother André’s Cafe aims to serve Christ as an outreach of Move a Mountain Missions. By providing employment opportunities for adults living with IDD and promoting products from vulnerable communities in developing countries, Brother André’s Cafe will provide a place of community and Christian fellowship.
We offer a variety of Brother André’s merchandise to help you show your support for our mission. Every dollar you spend helps adults with IDD here in the U.S. as well as the most vulnerable individuals in developing nations across the world.
We realize that there are many places you can buy gourmet coffee, baked goods and gifts. But when you buy them from Brother André’s Café, you are making a positive difference in the lives of people who might otherwise struggle to find employment. We can’t wait to share their stories — and their gifts — with you.
“It is with the smallest brushes that the Artist paints the best paintings.”
Brother André