Meet Julia!

Julia, where to begin with this incredible human?

Julia has been with Brother Andre’s since its storefront opening in October of 2021 (perhaps earlier but I forgot to ask when I interviewed her and I’m surprising Julia with this blog today so I can’t really check) and has been an integral force to the team ever since. If you need a tight squeeze, an authentic listening ear, unconditional love, and a side of wit - Julia’s your girl :)

Before this gets too sappy and I never hear the end of it from Jules, let’s get more into the Q&A portion of this blog:

Q:  How’d it go at first with your AAC device (Augmentative and Alternative Communication tablet)?

A:  My first experience was frustrating but then my Speech Therapist, Miss Diane, changed my program and I loved learning and using it to communicate. I truly think it was God who brought her to me - her enthusiasm made you trust it and stick with it, and she was so positive. It felt really good to have different ways of communicating!

Q:  How did you first hear about Brother Andre’s?

A:  My dad is friends with Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. F told him about it - he told him that I should come in and work as the blogger!

Q:  What is your favorite thing to do at the Cafe?

A:  Working the register and being a blogger, and sassing my boss whenever I can*

*With permission from Julia, creative license was taken in this answer by the Author of this article.

Q:  What is something you’d like to achieve in the next few years?

A:  I would like to write a book about a girl with Cerebral Palsy, talking about her life and giving readers an inside view into what it’s like living with CP. I would also like to blog for other companies as a contractor! >> Contact Julia with any blogging/journalism needs at and check out her personal website at!!

Julia, thank you so much for giving everyone a personal look into each employee and volunteer, and for always making those around you feel like the most important and loved person on earth. Your joy, enthusiasm, vulnerability, and faith are just some of the many qualities you possess that make you one of my favorite humans of all time, and we are all so incredibly blessed to have you in our lives. I still won’t watch the Bachelor on my own though.

Come check out a Wednesday Mass at 12pm at Epiphany to see Julia either do a reading, a Responsorial psalm, or lead the Chaplet and Chat! It’s probably the most inspirational thing in the world and my new favorite way to hear Scripture. 

See you soon!