Our Amazing Musician

I'd like to introduce you to Noah, our wonderful musician AND a Brother Andre's 'regular'. He discovered us through Father Chris. When Noah mentioned to Father Chris that he was looking for work, Father sent him to St Mary's and the Red Door. Since he was downtown, Noah came often to Brother Andre's for coffee or to meet some friends for coffee. Noah saw the greatness of Brother Andre's and spoke to Father Chris. The rest, as they say, is history!

Noah is a significant part of Brother Andre's. Every Monday he takes us, the employees (whom he considers the best, 'most joyful' part of Brother Andre's) to the  Chapel, or as Jonathan likes to call it, small church. (How about Jonathan?! What a precious name for the Chapel!) Personally, my favorite part of Monday's Chapel visit is when Noah plays his guitar and we all sing. It feels like I am part of something very special.

Noah remembers that his love of music began in 4th grade. His family, especially his Uncle Tim, encouraged him to pursue it. Right away, he began with the trumpet, moved to the ukulele, and then to the guitar. He now also plays the piano, organ, sings, and is his own songwriter. I can totally see tons of jam sessions through the years. Noah especially loves playing guitar and songwriting. I think it's awesome that he found his passion; his gifts enrich every listener. On a sweet note, when Noah spoke of his wife, he mentioned how impressed he was with her voice when he first met her. I love that Noah's favorite song is "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. Everyone should watch that classic Disney movie, just saying.

Noah has many hobbies; he likes reading and enjoys a mean game of golf. (It seems that he and his friends love to compete - all in good fun, of course!) Another more recently acquired hobby is home improvement; Noah and his wife, Joni, just bought a house. He hopes to become an all-round handyman by learning and doing. I have faith that he can become a competent home-improvement-kind-of-guy.

Noah insists that he is blessed with a wonderful wife and a great family. His five brothers and one sister are super close. In fact, Noah just happily told me that his beautiful sister was moving back to Pittsburgh from Columbus, Ohio. He says that he and his siblings were raised in a home with prayer and praise for God. I think it's awesome that this strong family had a childhood that focused on our Lord.

Noah is absolutely amazing and, trust me, we love having him on our Brother Andre's team.