Meet our Blog Writer, Julia Fieldhammer!


About Julia:

Meet our new employee Julia Fieldhammer! Julia is the daughter of Mike and Mary Lyn Fieldhammer. They live in Gibsonia. She has two older sisters, Brigitta and Sarah, and an adorable service dog named Hartmann. Julia loves to write and is a published writer. She has written articles for Pittvese Magazine and Public Source. Julia also has her own blog, which you can check out at In addition to writing, Julia loves art. She enjoys exploring her artistic vision, especially through painting. Julia is involved with Creative Citizens Studios and takes classes with them at The Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and Media. Julia also does horseback riding with Riding For The Handicapped Of Western Pennsylvania. In her free time, Julia loves listening to music and really enjoys hanging out with friends. Her favorite activities, when they get together include going out for ice cream and having a bonfire with s’mores in her backyard. Julia is so excited to join the Brother Andre’s team and help them with their social media and blog. Welcome Julia!

Julia's reflections on Brother Andre's first employee Retreat Day:

Brother Andre’s had their first employee day recently. As a new employee, I was really excited to spend some time with the other team members! We went to Noon Mass at St. Mary Of Mercy, in downtown Pittsburgh. Another employee, Michael, who is also in a wheelchair, and I got to experience the stairlift. After Patrick led us in The Divine Mercy Chaplet, we headed over to Brother Andre’s for some pizza and a good time! All the employees were wearing their blue Brother Andre’s tee shirts.

The employees lined up by the counter so we could get a group picture. After that, we went into the kitchen where Brother Andre’s makes their delicious Chocolate Chip cookies to take more pictures. All the employees put a Brother Andre’s apron on to show the logo!

A photographer was there directing our staff where to go for the pictures. They took some of us altogether and then some of us individually. All the pictures turned out great! We will definitely be using them for our website.

After the team got to know each other a little, we had pizza and there was also watermelon and lots of those delicious cookies. All  the employees and their families were eating, talking and just having a great time.

After lunch, we had some amazing entertainment. Dan Gallagher, from Move A Mountain Missions, made arrangements for his brother, Johnny, to play his guitar so we all sat together and sang songs! The first song he played was a Christian song. He had sheets with the music on it, so we could follow along. After that song he mostly played folk songs. They were really upbeat and it was a lot of fun. Some of the employees even requested certain songs.

This day was the first time the whole Brother Andre’s team was all together. It was definitely a good day to bond and get to know each other better. The Brother Andre’s team is looking forward to continuing to grow!