Introducing Sharon
I'd like to introduce Sharon, who is Morgan's, our wonderful florist's, mom. Sharon and Morgan have a solid 'how-to-do-everything-well' approach to life; they help each other out! For instance, when it's about Morgan's flowers, Sharon drives her to Trader Joe's so Morgan can choose for her magnificent displays. When it's about Sharon teaching second graders in St Aidan Parish CCD Program, Morgan actively assists at each class.
Sharon also volunteers in our Brother Andre's kitchen at least one day a week (when Morgan is working). She generously assists the head baker, (I'm not gonna tell you who that is) and works very, very hard.
Sharon and Morgan also have some fun together. They enjoy crafting and have, lately, been doing a lot of Fall and snowy pictures -obviously perfect for this time of year. They also take Zumba classes. Apparently, this activity brings lots of joy, 'especially' for Sharon. She lights up when she says,"I love dancing, it peps me up! I just love it!" Since I've witnessed Sharon dancing, I have to say that it is fun to watch her moves. She's good!
An activity that the whole family enjoys is eating out, and for that, Dad and son, Michael, are happily invited! The whole family also runs the famous Pittsburgh Booth at the annual Church Festival.
Sharon shared some of her own favorites with me, and they include (but are not limited to) Myrtle Beach (especially the waves), Fall season (vibrant leaves against the blue skies), and HGTV and Food Network (good ideas on both). I pretty much agree with all of these!
Speaking of favorites - as I always do, I asked Sharon what her favorite part of Brother Andre's was. Sharon said, "ALL the people!". OK, I'll admit that I was shocked she didn't say, "The Team Members". BUT the Team Members are people, so I still count it as a win.
Sharon's kindness and warmth make me feel like she has really thought things out. So, I bet that she could offer some good advice, and I was correct! I asked her what advice she would give her younger self. She said rather than being shy, just join in on the fun! She remembered that a teacher once told her that 'a rose is always pretty but is beautiful when it blossoms'. She thinks that is true. (I take that to mean -go out and be your true, authentic self.)
I also asked Sharon what advice she would give to other parents with special needs children. She said, "Know your child's strengths and passion, and just focus on that". I think that's excellent advice for anyone!
Sharon is a big part of Brother Andre's in many, many ways. We are so happy that she is here, and we can't thank her enough for her smiling, calm presence and continual help.