Introducing Sheila, A Super Volunteer

I'd like to introduce Sheila, one of our wonderful volunteers. Sheila was on the Emmaus board with Mike Fitzgerald, and she told him how much she loved hearing about Brother Andre's. So, when Mike invited her to volunteer, she thought, "Maybe I can go once a month." Well, that quickly changed. Sheila loved it so much that she decided to come every week.

Each Wednesday, Sheila is in the BA kitchen. Handily, she really enjoys baking, and loves the cookie-making process. She's all in - from creating the dough, to eyeing the hot-from -the-oven perfection, and finally, to individually packaging. If you ask me, that sure is seeing your work from start to finish!

Of course, I asked Sheila about her favorite part of Brother Andre's, and do I even have to say it? Okay, fine, I guess I'll tell you! Drum roll please, her favorite part...THE EMPLOYEES!

Sheila has a wonderful family of five, a husband and three sons. Yep, she lives in a household of all boys. I asked her what that is like, she said it is very smelly (haha!) and then, seriously, said that home is energetic, wonderful, and amazing. (I think my Dad can relate to the big picture here, because he lives in a house full of girls. Possibly they can commiserate together.)

Sheila's sons- Owen, Miles, and James - are very into sports, especially Football and Lacrosse. They are definely a sports family! I can see Sheila loving her sons' choices and cheering them on at all the games.

Sheila's family also enjoys skiing TOGETHER. I have been adapted skiing and had an amazingly fast, fun time. So, I can only imagine the invigorating and happy time Shelia's family has on the slopes. (In spite of her love of skiing, Sheila insists her favorite season is Summer,- but that is because she loves the full house when her sons are all at home.)

As a librarian at the main Carnegie Library in Oakland, there is a lot about her 'working life' that brings Sheila joy. She loves her coworkers, helping people find books,  and being surrounded by stunning architecture. So, obviously, Sheila can immediately produce a list of favorite books! Among her Classic choices are PRIDE AND PREJUDICE and LES MISERABLES. She also likes Sharon Draper's OUT OF MY MIND series, and the book ONE, TWO, THREE by Laurie Frankle. (Good choices- I recommend these books,too!)

Sheila is a wonderful volunteer, and we are very grateful for her happy presence!  We appreciate all that she does for Brother Andre's Cafe.